Sunday 10am
Sunday 6pm
Tuesday - Friday 9:30am - 12:30pm 098389900 [email protected]
We’re people just like you; brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, grandparents and grandkids, neighbours, and friends. We’re students and teachers, doctors and nurses, shopkeepers, accountants, physiotherapists, painters, builders, mums at home, cabinetmakers, computer fanatics, managers, beneficiaries and unemployed. We enjoy, and sometimes struggle with jobs, mortgages, family, health, and the circumstances of life. We drink lattés, eat peanut butter sandwiches, walk the dog, and cheer for our favourite sports teams. We have discovered and continue to discover in new ways, that the love and grace of God makes a difference in our lives. This Church is representative of God’s family around the world and we are glad that despite the diversity among us in age, race and circumstances, we can worship God and work together to find and experience God’s blessing.
325 Great North Road, HendersonHenderson Baptist Church located in Zip Code 0650. Church Profile Manager: office79(Administrator )